Thursday, October 30, 2008

Rev Costume Party/Denny Pattyn Recap

So last night Denny Pattyn wrapped up our series "Going all the Way" He did an amazing job! Some of our favorite nuggets were:

  • There is a generation rising up that has a higher standard - God's standard
  • Our generation is creating history - we'll read about this in the years to come
  • Your body and sexuality are more powerful than you could ever imagine
  • There are 30 STD's around today, 4 are incurable
  • Most people don't find out they have an STD until later in life
  • 65,000,000 people have an incurable STD - 1/4 of the population
  • You can get STD's through both oral and regular sex
  • Teenagers are more likely to get STD's than adults
  • You can't be sexually active and grow in your relationship with God
A lot of you guys committed to sexual purity and got a ring! We're so proud of you and we promise that you'll realize on your wedding day that it was the best decision you've ever made!

As for the costume party - Here were our two winners:

Niki Wolbert as Sarah Palin!

Josiah Long as a Punk Rocker

We have awesome things coming up in November - Get ready!!!

Thanks to everyone who participated in dressing up last night~!


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