Friday, June 13, 2008
I just finished this book by my hero, John Maxwell! This review could be slightly (I stress slightly) bias. One of my goals in life is to read every book that John Maxwell has written.
This book is actually one of his earlier books that they just recently republished and revised it. He wrote it when he was still the Pastor of Skyline Church in San Diego. It is a combination of a lot of the leadership lessons he taught his staff on a month to month basis. I couldn't resist!
The book has 13 chapters and is a really easy read. He really teaches a lot on vision and commitment. One of the things I really enjoyed about this book is he used scripture as the foundation. I loved being able to look into the scriptures through Maxwell's eyes because he is so focused on leadership that he pulls out amazing things from the scriptures that I would normally tend to overlook.
Here are some of the key nuggets I got while reading this book:
- If something is to be in my life, then it's up to me!
- Success is the privilege of contributing to the betterment of others!
- To be all I can be, I need to help you be all you can be!
- The only one who can stop you from becoming the person God intends you to be is you!
- The Road to Success is paved with criticism
- Behind every great accomplishment is a purpose, not a wish. Our purpose is what keeps us from giving up.
- If you're in leadership . . . you will get hurt.
- People want success without sacrifice, but it never works that way
- When someone succeeds in life the world looks back and wonders how these successful people got so lucky. Luck had nothing to do with it; they were simply willing to do what all the rest of the people were unwilling to do.
- We see problems based on our past experiences, present environment, and personal evaluation.
- "My great concern is not whether you have failed, but whether you are content with your failure." -Abe Lincoln.... learn to fail forward!
- If you become secure in God, you will gain a freedom that people can never give you!
Buy it here.
Final Grade: B